Beige Mingei Backed Japanese Paper

Washi Arts Lt. Beige.jpeg
Washi Arts Lt. Beige.jpeg

Beige Mingei Backed Japanese Paper

from $1.75

A backed washi tissue that has great weight and body. Works well for book covers, boxes, and in printed materials where a cover weight stock is called for.

Sheet size is 25" x 37"

Weight is 100g

Decorative fiber: 100% kozo / Base layer: sulphite

• machine made laminated paper with white base and dyed decorative fiber surface
• "Mingei" was the name given to the folk art movement founded in the 1920s by Soetsu Yanagi; this paper is named out of respect for the friendship of the maker's family with the Yanagi-san
• heavy weight suitable for use as book and box covers, cards and more

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